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Journal 1

A thing or two about my mental issues

        Before we get started on this complicated, yet somewhat dangerous topic, I would like to discuss the reason I choose to write about my psychological problems.

        Writing about it helps. This is the main reason I exhibit my rotten self to my professor, my classmates, and whoever visits my website to see it. You see, I’m not ashamed of my problems, nor do I believe anyone should. However, this weak, fragile, less glorious side of me isn’t something I normally like to share. But it DOES help, not only for me but also for others too, hopefully.

        My belief is that everyone who lives in this distorted social climate is more or less sick. Hence instead of focusing on “Am I sick according to medical definition,” or “Am I qualified to be sick,” I pay more attention to understanding my condition, getting to know myself, and how to live with my problems in peace. 

        So how do these problems affect people in their daily lives? Unlike most physical health conditions, you don’t see them on the outside. You might feel depressed without any reason you can name, have trouble eating, or feel tired in an abnormal rate. Take me as an example: About once every two weeks, I suffer severe insomnia, and can only fall asleep when the morning comes. Without wounds, these signs can be easily neglected. Do not, however, ignore the warnings calls from your body for the revealed symptoms represent the unrevealed problem hidden within, and those problems do not heal by themselves.

        According to doctors, books, and social media, there are a lot of different ways to deal with these problems. I wouldn’t recommend any specific method or treatment since what works for me might not work for others. I do believe, however, that it is important to treat yourself kindly regardless of the way you choose. Sometimes you might need to pull all your strength to complete what used to be the simplest task, such as getting out of bed in the morning. Please do not be hard on yourself during times like this, for you yourself are the strongest ally that you have.

        Like some chronic diseases, mental illness can follow you for a long period of time, so it’s important to know how to deal with it. Everyone can fall down, what matters is that you keep trying to get back on your feet, long as it takes. Just as my favorite motivation quote says:

        Of course I struggle, I just don’t quit.


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